DETOX Body Purifier is part of a complete M'lis Detoxification program. This program temporarily replaces a normal diet of solid food, utilizing liquid food and cleansing supplements to detoxify the body systems. The role of the M'lis DETOX Body Purifier in this process is to help remove toxins from the body. This supplement may also be used as an individual supplement to strengthen the immune system in times that it may be compromised.
Concentrated Formula Contains:
- Red Clover Blossom- Blood purifier
- Dandelion Root- Blood purifier, has the capacity to clear obstructions and stimulate the liver to
detoxify poisons - Echinacea- Blood purifier
- Oregon Grape Root- Stimulates the secretion of bile
- Quassia- Helps to expel worms
- Ginger Root- Eliminates and counteracts the formation of mucus, relieves gas, destroys parasites in
the digestive system, increases energy
Suggested Use: 2-3 capsules twice daily
Shelf Life: 7 years
Do not use if on blood thinners, pregnant, or nursing